Products and Services

Products and Services

Resumos do Ministro
Resumos do Ministro

Government Project Management: Methodology

Many large Information Technology (IT) projects fail to achieve goals and deliver on-time and on-budget. Government IT projects tend to be even less successful than those in the private sector. In this Minister Brief we ask: How can project management approaches be refined to enhance the success of substantial government initiatives like Financial Management Information &hellip; <a href="">Continuação</a>

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Resumos do Ministro
Resumos do Ministro

Government Project Management: Common Project Understanding

How can project teams tasked with implementing financial management information systems (IFMIS) cultivate a common understanding among all stakeholders to mitigate project risks?

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Product Information
Product Information

Social Services Solution Factsheet

Based on our Commercial-off-the-Shelf software solution, the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™, this package of modules offers an end-to-end solution for any government ministry, department or agency involved in social security. Download the FreeBalance Social Services Solution Factsheet to understand how FreeBalance helps governments and public sector bodies to manage social services such as pension funds, welfare programs &hellip; <a href="">Continuação</a>

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FreeBalance Services
FreeBalance Services

FreeBalance Sustainability Services Brochure

Ensuring that a country’s Public Financial Management (PFM) investments are sustainable is core to the FreeBalance purpose-led mandate of improving citizen wellbeing and combating corruption. FreeBalance is committed to maximizing the value derived by customers in order to promote cost effective and sustainable public financial management reform. FreeBalance&#8217;s Sustainability Services help to ensure that the &hellip; <a href="">Continuação</a>

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Product Information
Product Information

A Academia FreeBalance

Developed by public sector experts for governments around the world, our curriculum has been carefully constructed to build the skills that matter the most for successful PFM reform.

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Product Information
Product Information

FreeBalance Accountability Platform™ (Français)

FreeBalance Accountability Platform™ est une plateforme technologique et de gouvernance moderne et spécifique au gouvernement pour les applications FreeBalance Accountability Suite™.

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Product Information
Product Information

Gestion des finances publiques

La FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ est la seule solution de gestion des finances publiques conçue exclusivement pour les gouvernements et le secteur public.

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FreeBalance Services
FreeBalance Services

Services de développement durable FreeBalance

Découvrez comment les services de développement durable de FreeBalance permettent aux gouvernements de gérer des logiciels sans avoir recours à des consultants externes.

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FreeBalance Services
FreeBalance Services

Services de conseil FreeBalance

FreeBalance offre une suite de services de conseil, de mise en œuvre et de durabilité pour aider les gouvernements à atteindre une prospérité équilibrée, une bonne gouvernance, le bien-être des citoyens, le développement durable et les résultats de la transformation numérique.

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Product Information
Product Information

Dashboards Factsheet

Find out about FreeBalance's President/Prime Minister, Minister and Manager Dashboards.

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Product Information
Product Information

Transparency Portals Factsheet

Find out more about how to share fiscal performance data more easily with citizens and government stakeholders using FreeBalance's transparency portals.

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Product Information
Product Information

(GPM) Government Performance Management Factsheet

Learn more about FreeBalance's (GPM) Government Performance Management modules in this factsheet.

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Product Information
Product Information

(GRM) Government Receipts Management Factsheet

Read more about the FreeBalance (GRM) Government Receipts Management product pillar, which enables governments to raise revenue and collect receipts.

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Product Information
Product Information

(GTM) Government Treasury Management Factsheet

FreeBalance&#8217;s (GTM) Government Treasury Management software supports bank reconciliation and manages cash, debt and investments. The system harmonizes treasury operations across all levels of government, mitigates fiscal risk and maximizes government funds through effective forecasting. There are a number of modules within the FreeBalance (GTM) Government Treasury Management product pillar, which can be used individually &hellip; <a href="">Continuação</a>

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