

The First Global Government Resource Planning Solution

Enabling PFM Reform that Matters

FreeBalance Accountability Suite™

FreeBalance has worked alongside the public sector for 40 years to develop and deliver government software solutions that support Public Financial Management (PFM) reform and modernization.

The FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ is a commercial off-the-shelf, Government Resource Planning (GRP) solution that covers the entire budget cycle and manages all critical government fiscal systems.

Public Financial Management Map

The only PFM solution designed exclusively

by government, for government

Across 25+ countries, the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ is trusted to manage $425 billion in budget dollars. This is more than just budgeting. FreeBalance solutions empower governments to deliver economic growth, accountability and transparency to their citizens. The FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ is available in six base configurations to meet different government resource planning (GRP) requirements.

FreeBalance Accountability Platform™

The entire FreeBalance portfolio is built on the FreeBalance Accountability Platform™, a web-based, Java-powered platform designed exclusively for government financial management. The platform supports centralized, decentralized or hybrid deployment models.

  • Postmodern Design
    Postmodern Design through ease of integration, massive configurability and flexible on-premises, private cloud, public cloud, community cloud and shared services support

  • Web Native
    Web Native using international web standards, no legacy software code deployed via the web and no web translation layer

  • Open System
    Open System supporting robust open source and commercial infrastructure through recognized industry standards, providing more choices

  • Unified Design
    Unified Design through component reuse across all applications, centralized metadata management, with ease of reporting

  • Highly Extensible
    Highly Extensible supporting additional functions and custom development thanks to a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and component reuse across applications

  • Progressive Activation
    Progressive Activation enables future configuration changes, process modernization, fiscal decentralization, and adding additional modules

Cost Savings

To ensure a low total cost of ownership, the FreeBalance Accountability Platform™ provides many efficiencies for government which means value for taxpayers:

Modular Approach

Modular Approach

Ability to add modules over time enables governments to implement critical functions based on the country context. A quicker path to value for money.

Support for Modernization

Support for Modernization

Progressive activation to support reform and modernization.

Minimal IT Support

Minimal IT Support

Optimized technical footprint reduces the burden on IT to manage computer systems, networks and middleware software.

International Financial Standard

The FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ supports the highest international standards for fiscal management and accounting, including those from:

  • United Nations

  • International Monetary Fund

  • World Bank

  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

  • Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)

Freebalance Building

What is Public Financial Management (PFM) Software?

Public Financial Management (PFM) software is an integrated financial management system used by governments to manage the entire budget cycle. This includes budget formulation, budget execution, accounting and reporting, and audit. Typically, all ministries, departments and spending agencies of a government are connected to a single, unified system. PFM software is also known as GRP or government resource planning software.

The FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ is a government software solution designed specifically for public financial management.

Additional Reading

Government Spending What is the Future of Government ERP? Our latest white paper, "What is the Future of Government ERP? A GovTech Perspective", explores the limitations of traditional ERP and highlights the benefits of opting for a public sector-specific approach: Government Resource Planning (GRP). Read more about the white paper, and access your own copy. Read More
Interoperability Defining the Relevant “Architectures” for PFM Implementations Defining and understanding the different architectures involved in PFM implementations is crucial to enabling success public financial management reform. Read More
Public Finance Technical Architecture: What is it? What is the fundamental public finance technical architecture problem? Technical architectures designed to support PFM and FMIS do not align with business architectures. Read More

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Contact FreeBalance to learn how we can help accelerate PFM reform in your country with our government software solutions.
