Soutenir la transformation numérique au sein du ministère des finances
Costa Rica’s digital treasury transformation is driving the modernization of public financial management (PFM) with the support of FreeBalance.
FreeBalance is providing its unified government technology platform and specialist services de conseil aux gouvernements et de mise en œuvre technique pour aider le gouvernement du Costa Rica à créer une nouvelle approche numérique, centrée sur le citoyen, afin de transformer ses fonctions de planification, de budgétisation, de dépenses publiques, de comptabilité, de gestion des ressources humaines, d'établissement de rapports et de trésorerie.
Le projet, qui est financé par la Banque mondiale, vise à aider les responsables des finances publiques au Costa Rica à :
- gérer les ressources financières et humaines de manière plus efficace et efficiente
- accroître la clarté et la prévisibilité des systèmes financiers et budgétaires du pays
- faciliter la prise de décision grâce à une plateforme centralisée et intégrée
- aligner plus efficacement les ressources sur la charge de travail afin d'accroître la productivité.
Il will transform government financial management in Costa Rica at the strategic and operational levels. The project is also expected to have far-reaching benefits outside government operations:
- more revenue will be generated for public investments through more efficient operations and the strengthening of public expenditure controls
- Costa Rican citizens will gain visibility into how public funds are collected, invested, and impact their lives
- customer service oriented attention will be embedded in all government units, reducing transaction costs and increasing citizen satisfaction.
FreeBalance’s role in the multi-year project includes:
- Implementing an integrated platform: les FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ centralizes budget planning, treasury, human resources, and procurement in a system called CR-TEZA
- Delivering real-time data: CR-TEZA will provide real-time financial data, helping decision-makers to allocate resources efficiently and improve fiscal policy
- Enhancing transparency and accountability: Reporting features enable better auditing and financial oversight to improve public finance transparency
- Building capacity: FreeBalance is training government personnel to ensure they can use the system effectively and respond to future challenges
- Ensuring sustainability: A local FreeBalance office in San José provides ongoing support and will ensure the system scales to meet future needs.
From left to right: Matthew Riley (CNS Director of Strategy and Alliances),
Solana Olivo Brito (World Bank Project Coordinator), Luis Richmond (FreeBalance Project Manager),
Nogui Acosta Jaén (Minister of Finance), andMarcos Peanos (FreeBalance Vice President of Sales)
at the project kick off event in January 2024.
From left to right: Cristian Barquero Alvarez (Hacienda Digital Project Director),
Manuel Schiappa Pietra (FreeBalance President and CEO), Nogui Acosta Jaén
(Minister of Finance), and Rodrigo Chaves Robles (President of Costa Rica).