Gestion des finances publiques

Gestion des finances publiques

Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Composante de la gestion des finances publiques (carte)

The PFM Component Map serves as a crucial tool for government leaders, providing a comprehensive framework to navigate PFM reforms and technology implementations effectively. Find out more in this Minister Brief. Minister Briefs Written by FreeBalance executives and senior subject matter experts, these short briefs are designed to summarize public finance and technology subjects for &hellip; <a href="">Suite</a>

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White Papers
White Papers

What Is The Future of Government ERP?

Traditional ERP systems fall short in meeting the unique demands of public financial management. Find out why the future lies in Government Resource Planning (GRP) in this new white paper.

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White Papers
White Papers

PFM Good Practice Guide

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is crucial for governments implementing integrated financial management information systems (IFMIS), encompassing not just initial costs but also long-term expenses like maintenance, upgrades, and training. Properly calculating TCO to include all factors ensures fiscal sustainability and value for money (V4M) in PFM reform. The FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ offers a lower &hellip; <a href="">Suite</a>

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White Papers
White Papers

L'approche FreeBalance de la réforme de la gestion des finances publiques

Many within the Public Financial Management (PFM) community think that FreeBalance is an software company that happens to build PFM solutions for improved governance and transparency. Actually, it’s the other way around… FreeBalance is a PFM specialist firm that happens to build software – something we discovered when we were helping the Government of Canada &hellip; <a href="">Suite</a>

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White Papers
White Papers

How and Why Government Resource Planning Implementations Differ

How is a FreeBalance GRP implementation different from alternative options? Find the answer and more government FMIS good practice in our white paper.

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Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Planification des ressources gouvernementales (PRG)

In this Minister Brief, we ask: Can PFM software solutions be crafted that include all of the benefits of COTS, and few of the disadvantages?

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Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Cloud Portability

How can government FMIS software support portability across cloud options to optimize deployment benefits over time? Find out in our Minister Brief.

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Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Government Resource Planning Digital Transformation and Low Code/No Code

Designed specifically for governments and the public financial management (PFM) domain, the FreeBalance Accountability Suite ™ provides built-in Low Code/No Code (LCNC) configurability. Why is this important? One of the biggest misconceptions in the FMIS market is that all Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) options share the same adaptation and configuration constraints. They don&#8217;t. And enterprise resource planning &hellip; <a href="">Suite</a>

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Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Digital Transformation Vendor Assistance

Finding a vendor with experience in Integrated Financial Management Information Systems, public financial management, and digital transformation can be hard. FreeBalance's A-i3+qM digital transformation tools can help.

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Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Government Resource Planning Interoperability

COTS software like the FreeBalance Accountability Suite, inherently interoperates, and supports integration with other financial systems, reducing challenges in FMIS implementations.

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Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Government Resource Planning (GRP) Automation

How can finance ministries overcome resistance to automation to leverage built-in features of the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™? Find out in this Minister Brief.

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Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Public Financial Management (PFM) Reform: A Country-Centric Approach

How can PFM reform plans better align with country and government contexts for more effective prioritization and impact? Find out more in our Minister Brief.

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Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Government Resource Planning (GRP) Controls

The FreeBalance Accountability Suite allows governments to leverage flexible budget and commitment controls while ensuring compliance without a significant burden on staff. Learn more in this Minister Briefing.

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Brèves du ministre
Brèves du ministre

Government Resource Planning (GRP) for Open Government

How can governments leverage FMIS environments to automate the production of open government fiscal data? Find out in this latest Minister Briefing.

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