Transformación digital de la Administración

Transformación digital de la Administración

Resúmenes ministeriales
Resúmenes ministeriales

Mapa del componente de gestión de las finanzas públicas

The PFM Component Map serves as a crucial tool for government leaders, providing a comprehensive framework to navigate PFM reforms and technology implementations effectively. Find out more in this Minister Brief. Minister Briefs Written by FreeBalance executives and senior subject matter experts, these short briefs are designed to summarize public finance and technology subjects for &hellip; <a href="">Continúa en</a>

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Resúmenes ministeriales
Resúmenes ministeriales

Government Project Management: Methodology

Many large Information Technology (IT) projects fail to achieve goals and deliver on-time and on-budget. Government IT projects tend to be even less successful than those in the private sector. In this Minister Brief we ask: How can project management approaches be refined to enhance the success of substantial government initiatives like Financial Management Information &hellip; <a href="">Continúa en</a>

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Resúmenes ministeriales
Resúmenes ministeriales

Government Project Management: Common Project Understanding

How can project teams tasked with implementing financial management information systems (IFMIS) cultivate a common understanding among all stakeholders to mitigate project risks?

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White Papers
White Papers

What Is The Future of Government ERP?

Traditional ERP systems fall short in meeting the unique demands of public financial management. Find out why the future lies in Government Resource Planning (GRP) in this new white paper.

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Resúmenes ministeriales
Resúmenes ministeriales

The Public Financial Management Digital Transformation Journey

The FreeBalance Public Value Realization and Government Resource Planning (GRP) advisory services can help governments to sequence public financial management (PFM) digital transformation journeys and maximize success.

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Resúmenes ministeriales
Resúmenes ministeriales

Transformación digital de la GFP y modernización del Ministerio de Hacienda

Many governments leverage digital GovTech to operate and automate PFM. This Minister Brief considers how can finance ministries can better prepare for PFM digital transformation.

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Resúmenes ministeriales
Resúmenes ministeriales

Public Financial Management (PFM) Digital Transformation Value-for-Money (V4M) Outcomes

How can governments leverage V4M to prioritize GovTech acquisitions to make sure they get the answers they need while ensuring value for money?

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Resúmenes ministeriales
Resúmenes ministeriales

Government Resource Planning (GRP) for Accountability

How can governments implement fiscal accountability? Find out in this Minister Briefing.

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Resúmenes ministeriales
Resúmenes ministeriales

Public Financial Management (PFM) Digital Transformation and Service Delivery

Explore how the FreeBalance Public Value Realization service can help governments to improve service delivery through digital transformation of PFM.

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Resúmenes ministeriales
Resúmenes ministeriales

Government Resource Planning (GRP) Digital Transformation

Can IFMIS technology platforms support interoperability with many digital initiatives? Find out in our Minister Briefing.

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Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations

ICGFM Conference 2023: The Digital Transformation of Public Finance

View the presentation, given by FreeBalance's Vice President of Strategy and Innovation Doug Hadden, to the ICGFM Conference in September 2023.

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