Latest CSR, sustainability and impact investing news discovered by the FreeBalance Strategy and Innovation Group.
Corporate Social Responsibility
SURVEY FINDS THAT PURPOSE, NOT PROFIT, KEY TO BUSINESS SUCCESS: Enterprise Innovation reports that 73% of surveyed business leader believe in the value of a strong corporate purpose, and only a minority (15%) say their company’s main purpose is to maximize shareholder value, according to an EY report.
EY Study published by Harvard Business Review:$FILE/ey-the-business-case-for-purpose.pdf
Impact Investing
Janet Brown in Triple Pundit shows how notion that impact investing results in poorer performance has been debunked.
VALUE FROM SUSTAINABLE DESIGN: “Companies can promote sustainability by following good design practices to provide innovative and aesthetically pleasing solutions for customers and users,” from a McKinsey podcast.
C-SUITE NEEDS COACHING IN PROFITABLE SUSTAINABILITY: Pamela Gordon in GreenBiz describes techniques that work for CEOs, CFOs, and CTOs.
CROSS-INDUSTRY COLLABORATION CAN ACCELERATE CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Sustainable Brands reports on research from multiple studies showing that collaboration necessary for materials reuse, creating recyclables marketplace, improved repair, and refund mechanisms.
SUSTAINABILITY RANKINGS DIFFER: Investors need to know the difference between sustainability rankings according to Nancy Himmelfarb in TriplePundit.