Supporting the SDGs
FreeBalance is a purpose-led organization committed to doing its part to help the planet achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is a proud signatory of the UN Global Compact. We are committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
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Theory of Change
The SDGs are our best chance to solve the world’s wicked problems and whilst it requires all actors to work together, governments are critical to the process. However, without effective and transparent governance of public funds it will not be possible to transform the world into a truly sustainable ecosystem.
This is where we make a difference. By enabling governments around the world to achieve Public Financial Management (PFM) reform through digital transformation, we improve citizens’ wellbeing, combat corruption and enable sustainable growth around the world.
To date, our implementations in governments around the world manage national budgets of $425 billion on behalf of almost 900 million citizens.
Many of our customers have received improved Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessments – the acknowledged standard for PFM assessments. Furthermore, the World Happiness Report – the landmark survey of the state of global happiness – shows that in countries where we have been active for a number of years, there have been significant improvements in citizen wellbeing.
Civil Servants
Our Values
Our values guide our way of working and define our culture.
We create the solutions our customers need: our customer centricity means that we understand the unique country context of our customers and provide the support they need by adapting our products and services to meet their requirements rather than a product-first focus.
We build customers for life: we support and engage even the most challenging countries and projects rather than avoiding difficult customers. We believe that all PFM reform matters.
We are one team: irrespective of where we are in the world or which department we work in, we work as one team, communicating efficiently to solve problems rather than operate in silos and being bound by hierarchies.
We’re in this together: everyone, regardless of job descriptions, pitches in to help when required so that the team and company can be successful rather than just focus on what we think our job should be.
We believe that local is lovely: not only are we passionate about building local talent in the countries where we operate, we also recognise that local expertise is vital to understanding the local context which is in turn critical to the success of every project rather than sending in high-priced international consultants.
Our Commitment to Sustainable Global Citizenship
FreeBalance is committed to building smart prosperity globally. Social responsibility is at the heart of everything that we do. Our focus is on delivering good governance through robust government-specific technology and advisory services that drive sustainable and equitable growth.
Our activities in countries around the world bring us face-to-face with additional opportunities to make the world a better place. We embrace our responsibility to contribute to the market and communities that we operate in, while ensuring that our practices minimize negative effects on the environment. Our commitment to international development, active participation in the global community and social responsibility is what FreeBalance Global Citizenship is all about.
This Commitment to Sustainable Global Citizenship applies to all FreeBalance employees, independent consultants and contractors around the world, in all of our subsidiaries and branches. This policy is jointly owned by the VP of People and Culture and VP Revenue Marketing. This Commitment to Sustainable Global Citizenship is published on the website, on the company’s employee intranet and shared with sub-contractors and clients proactively.
Commitment to Social Responsibility
Social Value is intrinsic to everything we do. We are a values based organization whose purpose is to improve citizen wellbeing and combat corruption by creating and implementing smart government systems that enhance transparency, promote good governance and accomplish sound fiscal management. We have established company policies that realize our commitment to maintaining and where possible enhancing the Social Value we create in the communities we work within both as an employer and a provider of services.
We recognize that our activities have wide ranging and interconnected impacts on the Social Value we generate in the communities we serve. In recognizing this, we are committed to contributing to a more sustainable society and to continually improve the positive impacts we make.
We have five key Social Value objectives:
- Promote employment and economic sustainability, supported by our Commitment to In-Country Economic Contribution
- Promote equity, fairness and raising the living standards of citizens of the countries we work with, supported by our Commitment to In-Country Economic Contribution and our Commitment to Health and Safety
- Promote participation and citizen engagement, demonstrated by our Commitment to Community Involvement
- Build capacity and sustainability of the voluntary and community sectors
- Promote environmental sustainability with our Commitment to the Environment
The Happier Way Foundation
FreeBalance is a proud partner of The Happier Way Foundation whose mission is to serve as a catalyst for change by connecting the capabilities of individuals, organizations, and governments to support and accelerate a researched-based approach to achieving wellbeing for all. Through their initiatives and partnerships, they aim to foster a global, inclusive community dedicated to implementing research-based tools and strategies for a Happier Way of life.
Guided by their core pillars of Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Growth, they are committed to making a positive impact and creating a better world for generations to come. Through the development of physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing, individuals can realize their vast potential and live in a balanced state of mind and body. Through an emphasis on inclusion, society can embrace and empathize with people irrespective of their race, gender, disability, orientation, or ethnicity and continue moving toward equal access and opportunities for all. Through a focus on growth, individuals and organizations are empowered to learn about themselves and their environment, value their strengths, practice acceptance, and prioritize their mental health both personally and professionally.
Happier Way Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the USA (Tax ID 83-4635507), and donations are fully tax-deductible.
FreeBalance believes in the power of literacy
World Read Aloud Day
As the LitWorld organization describes it: “We think everyone in the world should get to read and write. Every year, on World Read Aloud Day, people all around the globe read aloud together and share stories to advocate for literacy as a human right that belongs to all people.”
We have been engaged in World Read Aloud Day since 2010. This event is such a special way to get involved in the local community in a meaningful way. Every year employees from FreeBalance offices around the world select a book in the local language and delivers activity kits to local children, with a certificate of achievement to each child after the event.