A Comprehensive Government Financial Management Information System Benchmark class=

A Comprehensive Government Financial Management Information System Benchmark

Is There a Benchmark for Government Financial Management Systems?

The checklist in Ensuring Better PFM Outcomes with FMIS Investments is an excellent resource and a good starting point for benchmarking Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) in government.

We like the checklist but thought that a benchmark needs more granularity. So, our innovation and PFM teams worked together to update the checklist and we now use this new benchmark as part of our A-i3+qM methodology that is designed exclusively for government and public finance advisory, implementation, and sustainability services.

We extended the checklist with content from the Commonwealth Secretariat Self-Assessment Tool that has some FMIS elements. And, we developed more granular elements with a more specificity, particularly in information technology and public accounting.

The FreeBalance government financial management system benchmark consists of:

  • 20 TSA elements
  • 73 Core Functionality elements
  • 62 Ancillary Feature elements
  • 15 Coverage and Utilization elements
  • 145 Technical Aspect elements

The benchmark follows the World Bank structure with colour coding:

  • Black for original World Bank content
  • Red for Commonwealth Secretariat content
  • Green for FreeBalance content

List of Questions to Assess the Status of the Treasury Single Account (TSA)

How do you get a copy of the benchmark and a short briefing?

There is no charge for the benchmark and briefing

About the FreeBalance A-i3+qM Methodology

FreeBalance uses an ISO-9001:2015 certified service methodology called A-i3+qM – accelerated, integrated, iterative, implementation-focused and quality management system that has the following characteristics:

  • Government-Specific developed over almost 40 years of government-only projects, with emphasis on government fiscal management, organizational change management and capacity building
  • Government Good Practices using problem diagnostics, and advocating legal and appropriate practices for the context
  • Integrated Product and Project Methodology that accelerates delivery, enables adapting software to meet needs, and eliminates the problem of orphan code through fully commercially-supported customization
  • Modern Effective Agile through staging proven scientific commercial practices that increase implementation success rates, overcome uncertainty, and improve communications

FreeBalance Advisory Services

The FreeBalance Advisory Services portfolio includes:

  • Advisory: Set of governance, public finance, change management, program management, and IT advisory services
  • Implementation: Comprehensive enterprise software and FMIS implementation service
  • Sustainability: Capacity building, training, change management, support and maintenance services

Get in touch to set up benchmark briefing session.

FreeBalance GRP solutions

Today, FreeBalance GRP solutions are implemented globally within governments across the world.

Customers include the governments of Antigua and Barbuda, Brazil, Canada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Kosovo, Mongolia, the Philippines, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Suriname, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Uganda, and the USA.

