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Search Results for .webp

3 Major Public Finance Innovation Takeaways from the Pandemic

Public Finance Innovation is Thriving Globally, Driven by the Covid-19 Crisis! Learn more about public finance innovation at the upcoming May 4th. International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management webinar: Public Finance Innovation for Sustainable Development: How can finance ministries help governments plan, budget, procure, and manage results in a post-pandemic world There’s been no lack of … Continued

FreeBalance Supports PFM Reform With Medium-Term Sustainability Framework

Updated March 2022 How Does FreeBalance Help Governments to Sustain PFM Reform? Governments acquire Government Resource Planning (GRP) software such as the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ and other Financial Management Information System (FMIS) systems to support Public Financial Management (PFM) reform. However, many governments lose reform momentum and the quality of public finance stewardship stagnates. This … Continued

Technology Solutions for Decentralizing Government Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS)

FreeBalance white paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of 3 technology solutions for decentralized implementations: how best to support remote access capabilities in governments experiencing low population density and sub-optimal connectivity Introduction Unique FreeBalance Experience FreeBalance is a global integrated provider of Government Resource Planning (GRP) software and Public Financial Management (PFM) services. In addition … Continued

FreeBalance Commits to a Sustainable Future

Participant Status in the UN Global Compact Confirmed President and CEO of FreeBalance, Manuel Schiappa Pietra, is delighted to announce that FreeBalance has signed up to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact. The move demonstrates the company’s commitment to sustainable development and its active participation in the UN’s 2030 Agenda. FreeBalance is a purpose-led organization … Continued

Overwhelming Motivation for PFM Reform for 2021/2022 …

…as Long as it’s not Overwhelming! Second post of 3 in a series, PFM takeaways from 2020 2020 The Year that PFM Came in from the Cold Overwhelming motivation for PFM reform in 2021/2022 PFM and the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous World It’s a bit difficult to unpack all the Public Financial Management (PFM) … Continued

About Us

Why Choose FreeBalance FreeBalance implementations have higher success rates and our software costs less. Our customers also score better in their PEFA assessments and improve citizen wellbeing faster. Five Year Total Cost of Ownership FreeBalance software costs an average 225% less than Tier 1 ERP providers as shown in this analysis of the five year … Continued

FreeBalance Lessons Learned in Supporting Fiscal Decentralization

Improve Public Finance Effectiveness through Fiscal Decentralization  Government operational and fiscal decentralization leads to improved local decision-making and service delivery. This is particularly important considering the extent of public service expenditures in regional and local governments. Many countries struggle to achieve the benefits of decentralization, delegation, and devolution.  Challenges include accountability, capacity, coordination, discretion, technology, … Continued

How does FreeBalance Support Governments Globally?

FreeBalance Optimizes Customer Service through a “Glocal” Approach By the numbers, FreeBalance supports government implementations using the FreeBalance Accountability Suite in: 30 countries and growing all World Bank regions 16 time zones small to very large countries by size and population Why it matters: our mission, as a social enterprise, is to make Public Financial … Continued

Global Value Chains & Industry 4.0: Emerging Markets and Developing Economy Opportunities

Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), challenges Emerging Markets and Development Economy (EMDE) government  to “reassess their national competitive advantages and development strategies1.” Developed countries benefit from advanced technology manufacturing, intellectual property, and knowledge economies. Limited retooling is required in these countries to exploit Industry 4.0. Developed country governments exhibit sophisticated policy design. … Continued
