Search Results for “.webp” - Page 13 - FreeBalance

Search Results for .webp

Smart Education Vision Case

Public Financial Management (PFM) plays a significant role in smart government. FreeBalance is developing numerous “vision cases” to describe the intersection of PFM and “smart”. The planning and implementation of smart cities is enabled through PFM techniques and the use of open government. Education cannot become ‘smart education’ without citizen-centric technology. Smart city developments enable more … Continued

Building the Smart Government Balanced Scorecard

The balanced scorecard technique is ideal for planning and managing smart city and smart government initiatives. The balanced scorecard technique, when properly applied, enables governments to focus on what’s important in a complex multi-organizational context. Effective smart city initiatives require coordination among many actors: multiple city agencies, community groups, civil society, businesses, non-profits, academic institutions, regional … Continued

Smart Cities and Smart Government Requires the 10 Ps

Who doesn’t like alliteration? Many observers have been weighing in on what makes smart government smart, including me. It’s clearly not just one thing – like technology. That doesn’t mean that we should make the concept overly complex. That’s led me to a simple memory aid when evaluating the “smart” part of any smart city … Continued

Smart government service delivery vision case

Public Financial Management (PFM) plays a significant role in smart government. FreeBalance is developing numerous “vision cases” to describe the intersection of PFM and “smart”. The planning and implementation of smart cities is enabled through PFM techniques and the use of open government. Governments cannot achieve “smart” without citizen engagement and a citizen-centric perspective. This … Continued

Is FreeBalance Software Expensive?

A story this morning about problems with a $21 million ERP project for the Loudoun County reminded me of concerns about the cost of FreeBalance software. It’s public money, so it ought to be a concern. FreeBalance focuses exclusively in the government market. Most of our customers are at the national rather than sub-national level. Most of … Continued

The New FreeBalance International Steering Committee Process

What happens when an enterprise software company takes a different approach to customer events? The typical approach: the user conference. The trade show floor. The loud music. The hard sell. The roadmap ceremony: This is what you’re going to get and this is when you’re getting it. The drive-by executive speech. What remains the same, … Continued

Government Resource Planning as a Public Investment

It’s high time for government organizations to consider enterprise-class software as an asset, a public investment. Government organizations, all too often, seem to acquire software to fill a governance gap like acquire an e-procurement system to increase competition to save money on acquisitions. Yet, these stand-alone systems increase the chance for governments falling into arrears … Continued

The Danger of PDIA Becoming a Development "Best Practice"

Doug Hadden, VP Products “Mimicry” – this is what Professor Matt Andrews of the Harvard Kennedy School describes as the bane of aid and development projects in emerging economies. Development agencies mimic a project that worked in one country in other countries where the context is much different. Projects that adopt so-called “best practices” are … Continued

Privacy, Surveillance, Big Data- Are we all Prisoners?

Doug Hadden, VP Products So much we take for granted was imagined in 1960s popular culture from wireless communications in Star Trek to GPS in James Bond. The 17 episode British series, The Prisoner, may have predicted more technology effects that all other 60s television and film programs together. The basic plot: “after resigning, a … Continued
