Executing a fiscal budget is a crucial responsibility of any government. To ensure that spending stays within the approved limits, various budget controls are put in place during the budget execution phase. The Budgeting and Appropriations course trains government officials in these vital expenditure controls.
Through this course, participants will gain an understanding of commitment accounting and its importance in enforcing fiscal discipline. They will also learn about the different types of financial controls for commitments and obligations, and how to apply them in budget execution. With this knowledge, government officials can play a key role in ensuring that budgets are adhered to, and taxpayers’ money is spent responsibly.
Course Objectives
- Learn how to use the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ to enforce budget controls during budget execution
- Understand how to modify elements and re-distribute amounts in budget controls
- Learn the various functionalities of the following FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ modules:
- (PFBC) Budget Controls
- (PFPF) Core Public Financials
- (PFBR) Budget Transfer Requests
Course Content
- Overview of the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™’s (PFPF) Core Public Financials module
- The different types of financial controls
- Setting budget controls
- Modifying budget controls through budget control update vouchers and redistribution vouchers
- Creating commitments and obligations
- Generating budgeting and appropriations reports for specific information needs
Target Audience
- PFM consultants
- GRP Consultants
- Business Analysts
- Civil Servants
- Policymakers
Dates | On Demand |
Length | 0.5 Days |
Pace | Self Paced |
Fees | $50 (Introductory price) |
Language | English |
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