PFM Training for South Sudan Ministry of Finance
The FreeBalance Academy team trained representatives from the Ministry of Finance on various modules of the upgraded version of the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ being implemented in South Sudan.
This capacity building program, designed in conjunction with the government, is part of the change management program running alongside the upgrade of the government’s Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS).
Budget Planning Training
Members of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance undertook the Budget Planning course which covers aspects such as Medium Term Budgetary Frameworks (MTBF), budget planning scenarios and how to use FreeBalance’s (GPM) Government Performance Management modules.

Core Financials Training
The FreeBalance Academy team also created a bespoke course for the Treasury team that covered a number of core public financial management functions. The course included:
- Budgeting and Appropriations
- Commitments
- Obligations
- Purchasing Management
- Expenditures Management
- Payment Priortization and Management
- Revenue Management
- General Ledger
- Financial Statements
Participants were also trained on the (PFM) Public Financials Management, (PEM) Public Expenditures Management and (GTM) Government Treasury Management modules of the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™.

System Administrator Training
In addition, a group from the IT Department of the Ministry of Finance were trained on how to administer the system. Building these skills internally will help the Government of South Sudan to be less reliant on external support and maintenance for its IFMIS. Ensuring that our implementations are locally and financially sustainable is core to FreeBalance’s purpose-led mandate.

The FreeBalance Academy
The FreeBalance Academy provides Public Financial Management (PFM) training that is exclusively focused on meeting the needs of government. Comprehensive and practical training equips civil servants and PFM practitioners with the skills required to deliver sustainable growth and citizen wellbeing.
Most FreeBalance Academy PFM training courses are scheduled and delivered online through a user friendly eLearning platform. Bespoke and in-country courses and training programs, such as the one delivered for South Sudan, are also available on request.
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