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Search Results for .webp

Industry 4.0 Opportunities and Threats for Government

The Emerging Era of Digital transformation in Government Are governments obsolete in the emerging era of digital transformation. The Fourth Industrial Revolution: autonomous vehicles, robots, 3D printing, artificial intelligence. And, the sharing economy with the ‘uberization’ of everything. The impact of digital disruption has been a subject of discussion at the past three FreeBalance International … Continued

Public Financial Management Drives SDGs Success

How can governments achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? It’s a tall order. 17 goals, 169 measures. Incomplete measures: many proxies and subsets. It makes for a gap between aspiration and reality. We know something about government performance management at FreeBalance. We know that 17 major goals are too many to rationally manage and track … Continued

Governments "Progressively Activate" at Annual FreeBalance Conference

FreeBalance customers are accustomed to change. That’s the nature of government. Political changes. Reform. Process changes. Reorganization. Oddly, “best practices” remains a dominant meme among government technology providers and experts. Practices can hardly be objectively “best” when constantly in flux. We’ve had many discussions with our government customers at FreeBalance International Steering Committee (FISC) conferences … Continued

Governments Get Agile at FISC 2018

Slow and steady sometimes wins the race. There is something to be said about controlled “best practices” in institutions. The difficulty with so-called government”best practices” is that most were developed to solve problems you don’t have, in ways you can’t use. You need to find emerging good practices that solve problems you have, in ways … Continued

Governments Change FreeBalance Product Roadmap Annually

We put our customers to work at the 2018 FreeBalance International Steering Committee in Miami last month. The governance workshops leveraged agile development techniques adapted to the government context. FreeBalance uses a unique customer-centric approach to our product and services roadmap. (Yes, we provide advisory, implementation, and sustainability services.) Enterprise Software vendor roadmap practices are similar among vendors. Product Managers … Continued

Governance Workshops Highlighted in 2018 FreeBalance International Steering Committee

Emerging digital governance patterns, and the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) were the major themes from 2018 FreeBalance International Steering Committee (FISC) conference, last month in Miami.  I’ve described how FISC operates in a completely different way from traditional enterprise software vendor events. [Also see appendix below]. My sense is that leading software manufacturers believe customers hold back innovation. … Continued

The (Government) Project Paradox

Governments have been on the forefront of project management innovation, as shown in this D-Day infographic from Stars and Stripes. And, yet there are many failures in the implementation of enterprise software in government. Government project failures Most governments demand that providers use project management best practices, consistent with the Project Management Body of Knowledge … Continued

Public Financial Management and the Sustainable Development Goals Riddle

How can government prioritize to support the global Sustainable Development Goals? Consider this: the SDGs include 17 goals and 169 indicators. And, unlike the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs apply to all countries. Performance management experts will tell you that 169 measurements are too many for any organization. Many of the indicators are proxies that … Continued

Can Digital Close the Government Governance Gap?

Technology as cure-all? Governments ride the digital bandwagon despite crippling legacy technologies. Cities adopt new technologies to become “smart”. It’s a smart cities technology arms race of high hopes, minimal planning, and limited financing. Emerging tech giants disrupt tax revenue generation through artificial intelligence, robotics, the sharing and gig economy. Governments seek to leverage technology through … Continued

Is FreeBalance the Most Financial Sustainable Government Resource Planning Software?

That’s are story. With are more recent analysis, we’re sticking to that story. FreeBalance to ERP Price Comparison Many government tenders for financial management, procurement and human resources systems are open. Prices are often announced as tenders are opened. There are some cases where we discover what the winning prices was – sometimes though publicity from the winning … Continued

Why is Public Investment Management Integration Important?

There is rising interest in improving public investment planning and public investment management. The management of long-term capital public expenditures is seen as a critical contribution to sustainable growth. This rising interest in public investment management includes finding better automation and management through the use of Government Resource Planning (GRP) enterprise software. This is the … Continued

How can Governments Overcome Legacy Policy Making?

Many governments are trapped the legacy policy-making trap: the search for country growth despite scientific evidence that rising income does not necessarily lead to improved perceived wellbeing.  Performance management techniques, such as the balanced scorecard, enables governments to better integrate policy-making with citizen priorities. There is danger that the complexity of policy-making, and the impact of … Continued

How does the Happiness Balanced Scorecard Simplify Policy-Making?

Members of the FreeBalance International Steering Committee (FISC) provided insight into the use of the balanced scorecard in government for happiness and wellbeing last month in Miami. The previous blog entry described how the balanced scorecard perspectives were adapted to meet government objectives. The basic template, shown above was provided. Why simplify policy-making? Governments who measure … Continued

Do Policy-Makers need a Definition of Happiness?

Can happiness be defined? Should happiness be defined? There seemed to be a difference of opinion at the recent World Happiness Summit in Miami. Some presenters suggested that happiness needs no definition because we know whether we are happy or not. Others wished to dive into happiness categories to understand how national wellbeing and happiness … Continued
