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Search Results for .webp

GRP and Public Investment Management

The rising interest in public investment management includes finding better automation and management solutions through the use of government budgeting software such as (GTM) Government Treasury Management software from the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™. 

FreeBalance 2022 UN Global Compact Report

FreeBalance reaffirms its support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations
Global Compact. In this, our second annual Communication on Progress, we share our commitment to
continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy,
culture and daily operations.

Civil Service Management – What Works and What Doesn’t?

In any organization, there will always be areas that management can improve upon. The civil service is no different – over the years, various systems have been implemented around the world in an attempt to improve efficiency. But what works and what doesn’t? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the successes and failures of civil service management, in order to help governments choose the best system for their needs.

How to Stop Government Corruption

FreeBalance has developed a framework to show how Government Resource Planning (GRP) software can help improve governance outcomes and stop corruption in government.

And the proof is in the pudding… the latest Corruption Perception Index by Transparency International showed an average improvement of 1.6 points for FreeBalance customers vs global average decline of -0.1 in the review period.

Getting Civil Service Reform Right

Civil service reform has emerged as one of the most important modern facets of achieving this goal – enabling governments to streamline their civil service, shift strategic focus, attract experienced personnel and provide services more efficiently.

The Importance of Public Expenditure Management

Public expenditure management (PEM) is the process of managing all functions related to government spending and public expenditure control. Due to the unique needs of government – including budget and commitment controls – this exceeds typical accounts payable functionality common in the private sector which is why ERP systems designed for businesses often fail in government.

Government Resource Planning in Post Conflict Countries

In countries emerging from conflict, the lack of an effective Government Resource Planning (GRP) system can lead to a range of problems, including the mismanagement of public funds and corruption which exacerbates poverty and civil unrest. A well-functioning GRP system is essential for any country looking to secure a sustainable future. 

Capacity Building in South Sudan

The FreeBalance Academy trained representatives from the Ministry of Finance on various functionalities of the upgraded version of the FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ that is being implemented in South Sudan.

The Value of Program Budgeting in a Permacrisis

It is unlikely that 2022 will be remembered fondly by governments around the world. In fact, things are so bad that the word ‘permacrisis’ is the Collins Dictionary word of the year. With governments having to deal with unsustainable levels of public debt and seemingly unrelenting waves of crises, all eyes are once again on Public Financial Management (PFM).

Unsustainable Levels of Public Debt – A Global Crisis

Lurking behind every session at the Annual Meetings was the impact of the global public debt crisis on citizens. The question being asked by everyone was: how can governments and the international community deal with poverty, food insecurity, inflation, and climate change with disappearing fiscal space? Learn more.

PFM Reform in Sierra Leone

The latest PEFA Assessment from the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Secretariat shows that the Government of Sierra Leone has made good progress in many aspects of Public Financial Management (PFM) reform. While there is still work to be done, the government can be commended for its achievements despite the difficulties associated with the pandemic. Find out more.

Good Practices in Chart of Accounts Design

The Chart of Accounts (COA) or “budget classification” is arguably the most critical part of effective Public Financial Management (PFM) reform and Integrated Financial Management Information Systems (IFMIS) design. The COA for government is more complicated than in the private sector and the COA often changes to reflect legal and financial management reform.
