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Search Results for .webp

Digital Transformation Lessons from IMF/WB Spring Meetings

Context Are digital technologies the magic bullet for sustainable development and good governance? Technology optimism and pessimism was on display at the annual International Monetary Fund and World Bank Spring Meetings last week in Washington. I was fortunate to attend numerous sessions, augmented by watching webcast replays. My takeaways on sustainable development, good governance, and … Continued

Sustainable Development Lessons from IMF/WB Spring Meetings

Sustainable development drives political and economic discussion these days. As it should. As it did at the annual International Monetary Fund and World Bank Spring Meetings last week in Washington. I was fortunate to attend numerous sessions, augmented by watching webcast replays. My takeaways on sustainable development, good governance, and government digital transformation have been … Continued

Finance Ministry Modernization

I learn so much from our government customers and governance experts. Attendees at the 2019 FreeBalance International Steering Committee (FISC) saw me typing furiously to take notes (and to tweet). Senior public servants, nominated by their governments, shared observations about Finance Ministry modernization. This included lessons from other countries articulated during workshops and discussions. Most … Continued

Innovation and the Modern Finance Ministry

FreeBalance government customer attendees at the 12th. annual FreeBalance International Steering Committee (FISC) shared Finance Ministry modernization lessons. We were inspired by a seminal publication from the IMF on the Evolving Finance Ministry. FreeBalance has extended the IMF work based on our deep experience with public financial management and good governance reform. We believe that … Continued

Public Policy Innovation: Lessons from the H-20

Smart Prosperity, the Public Policy Breakthrough Government sustainability and citizen wellbeing lessons were shared at the H-20 summit in Lisbon Portugal earlier this month. FreeBalance sponsored the summit, reflecting our government innovation mission. Much like the G20 focuses on growth economics, the H-20 examines wellbeing economics. We believe that reoriented economic objectives from growth to wellbeing … Continued

Our Journey to Enabling Sustainable Growth

This article was first published by Insight Success. It wasn’t the 25 years of public finances software experience in the Government of Canada that attracted Manuel Pietra to Ottawa-based FreeBalance. With global executive experience, Pietra realized the potential to bring proven Government Resource Planning enterprise software to the world. What started as a quest to … Continued

Beyond the G20: Preliminary Agenda for the H-20 in Lisbon

The third annual government H-20 (Happy 20) summit focused on wellbeing in public policy is taking shape. As described in a blog post last week, much like the G20 focuses on growth economics, the H-20 examines wellbeing economics. Social and cultural values differ among countries and within countries. Growth and GDP focus often disconnect policy … Continued

The 2019 H-20 Summit: Governments Focused on Citizen Wellbeing

The H-20 FAQ Growth and GDP focus often disconnects policy from citizen aspirations. Science demonstrates the linkage between citizen perceived happiness and satisfaction in government performance. The H-20 invites government leaders, economists, academics, activists and researchers to discuss wellbeing policy. Attendees share societal and national wellbeing policy challenges and good practices. What is the H-20? … Continued

Government Resource Planning Success Blueprint

Large Government IT Projects = High Risk Government organizations struggle to successfully implement Government Resource Planning (GRP) systems. This includes custom-developed Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS), the customization of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and other commercial enterprise software applications. Implementations of software originally developed for the private sector are particularly challenged. There seems to be … Continued

Government Salary Planning in the 21st Century

Government financial management is about 3 things: Budgets Budgets Budgets Planning for 15% to 20% of GDP Yet many public sector organizations fail to adequately budget for salaries and public service costs like training and expenses. The government “wage bill” is often the largest category of government expenses in many government organizations. Developed country public services … Continued

To Agile, or not to Agile, that is the Question

Outrageous fortune of waterfall processes in government “Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?” – Hamlet by William Shakespeare Many government IT initiatives operate like Greek tragedies: every effort to reduce project risk … Continued

Emerging Smart Government Frontier

FreeBalance was highlighted in the April edition of APAC CIO Outlook Magazine as a top 25 provider of Government Technology.  Our President and CEO, Manuel Pietra, described how “governments propel prosperity through smart public investments focused on citizen needs,” in a wide-ranging interview. Smart prosperity integrates “accountability, transparency and good governance” and is the bedrock for smart … Continued

2018 FreeBalance Minister's Round Table and FreeBalance International Steering Committee Synopsis

2018 FreeBalance Minister’s Round Table (FMRT) The 2018 Bi-Annual FMRT meeting in Miami provided insight into leveraging digital technology innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strategic national objectives. This fifth Round Table focused on innovative methods to achieve SDGs based on country context. Speakers discussed ideas ranging from good governance in the 21st century to … Continued
