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Search Results for performance budgeting

Public Financial Management Drives SDGs Success

How can governments achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? It’s a tall order. 17 goals, 169 measures. Incomplete measures: many proxies and subsets. It makes for a gap between aspiration and reality. We know something about government performance management at FreeBalance. We know that 17 major goals are too many to rationally manage and track … Continued

Public Financial Management and the Sustainable Development Goals Riddle

How can government prioritize to support the global Sustainable Development Goals? Consider this: the SDGs include 17 goals and 169 indicators. And, unlike the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs apply to all countries. Performance management experts will tell you that 169 measurements are too many for any organization. Many of the indicators are proxies that … Continued

Why are Governments Digitally Transforming?

Government digital transformation is much more than optimizing existing processes. It’s not about analog thinking, as described in the What is Digital Transformation blog post earlier this week. extent of organizational change required for government organizations to digitally transform seems overwhelming. Why do government leaders spearhead deep and disruptive organizational change? How does digital drive … Continued

Sustainable Development Goals and Public Financial Management

The International Budget Partnership has published new paper, Tracking Spending on the Sustainable Development Goals: What have we learned from the Millennium Development Goals? The paper describes the need to track SDG spending by governments for transparency and accountability. Budget classifications within Government Resource Planning (GRP) systems adapted for SDGs are required to track spending and providing … Continued

Why is Public Investment Management Integration Important?

There is rising interest in improving public investment planning and public investment management. The management of long-term capital public expenditures is seen as a critical contribution to sustainable growth. This rising interest in public investment management includes finding better automation and management through the use of Government Resource Planning (GRP) enterprise software. This is the … Continued

How does the Happiness Balanced Scorecard Simplify Policy-Making?

Members of the FreeBalance International Steering Committee (FISC) provided insight into the use of the balanced scorecard in government for happiness and wellbeing last month in Miami. The previous blog entry described how the balanced scorecard perspectives were adapted to meet government objectives. The basic template, shown above was provided. Why simplify policy-making? Governments who measure … Continued

What are the Public Policy Lessons from the World Happiness Report?

The World Happiness Report was first published in 2012. Two additional reports and an update have been published since. These documents include updated rankings and academic articles. There is significant evidence that the metrics used in the World Happiness Report are statistically relevant, and therefore could be used to inform public policy. Happiness as a … Continued

Will Technology Prevent Smart Cities from Improving Citizen Well-Being?

My previous blog entry, Do Smart Cities Improve Citizen Well-Being? explored the holistic public policy implications of smart cities. My conclusion was that “policy makers have the opportunity to upturn the model of smart city technology acquisition from technology to well-being. It is true that monitoring well-being is challenging, as it is with any measurement … Continued

Do Smart Cities improve Citizen Well-Being?

What is the Smart Cities hype gap? Observers have come to question whether smart cities enhance citizen quality of life. Some have gone so far as to question the wisdom of the smart cities concept. “Major cities claim to be “smart”, seminars and conferences pop up everywhere and the “smart” -label is attached to all … Continued

Building the Smart Government Balanced Scorecard

The balanced scorecard technique is ideal for planning and managing smart city and smart government initiatives. The balanced scorecard technique, when properly applied, enables governments to focus on what’s important in a complex multi-organizational context. Effective smart city initiatives require coordination among many actors: multiple city agencies, community groups, civil society, businesses, non-profits, academic institutions, regional … Continued

FreeBalance Weekly Update – Thursday, May 31, 2012

What’s new at FreeBalance? This weekly news update provides the Government Resource Planning (GRP) community with a brief overview of recent FreeBalance developments and relevant industry news. Improve Citizen and Investor Confidence in Government The FreeBalance Results Portal enables government organizations to describe goals and set output and outcome targets. Goals are aligned to government … Continued

Does Open Government Mean Audit is a Civic Duty

Doug Hadden, VP Products Alex Howard, Radar‘s Government 2.0 Correspondent for 
O’Reilly Media, asked some compelling questions in a recent article: Citizen Audit: Which federal agencies have published open government plans 2.0 online. It’s a bit spooky because I posted: Citizen Audit Use Cases and Public Financial Management a few days earlier. Alex was looking at transparency commitments … Continued
