The advances of the KFMIS are very important for the PFM reform of the Government of Kosovo. …We have been working with FreeBalance since 2000. We’ll continue our cooperation towards continuous advancement of the KFMIS in order to drive public finances in the way of advanced management so as to be comparable with PFM systems of developed EU countries.

– Ministry of Finance, Government of Kosovo

Supporting Democratic Development and Economic Liberalization in Kosovo Since 1999

Since 1999, FreeBalance has had a strategic multi-year relationship with the Government of Kosovo for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the multi-language (English, Albanian and Serbian) Kosovo Financial Management Information System (KFMIS).

The FreeBalance Accountability Suite™ supports all ministries and municipalities, and manages the entire payroll of the Government of Kosovo.

The Government of Kosovo has achieved remarkable results in PFM reform with the KFMIS system being a critical component of the country’s democratic development and economic liberalization program. Kosovo has sequenced legal reform, improved governance, and achieved international PFM standards under difficult conditions. This has contributed to independence, IMF and World Bank membership, European Union accession processes, improving international assessments and increased recognition by global governments.

Kosovo’s latest PEFA Assessment shows continued strong progress.

Further Reading

Read more success stories on how we helped governments all over the world improve their fiscal transparency and accountability.

Kosovo’s PFM Achievements

Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment

The Government of Kosovo has achieved a significant improvement in their PEFA assessment scores over the years.

Kosovo PEFA Scores
Graph of Kosovo's PEFA Results 2022

World Governance Indicators

Kosovo’s progression in key indicators relating to PFM shows steady improvement

Kosovo’s progression in key indicators 1
Kosovo’s progression in key indicators 2
Kosovo’s progression in key indicators 3

World Happiness Report

The latest World Happiness Report – our proxy measure for citizen wellbeing – shows a strong improvement in national happiness in Kosovo.

Wellbeing in Kosovo

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